u(t) is called 60 times per second.
t: Elapsed time in seconds.
S: Shorthand for Math.sin.
C: Shorthand for Math.cos.
T: Shorthand for Math.tan.
R: Function that generates rgba-strings, usage ex.: R(255, 255, 255, 0.5)
c: A 1920x1080 canvas.
x: A 2D context for that canvas.
[Team dweet with u/PeCaN] L-system visualizer! Change initial state (s), #iterations (i), transition rules (['0-1+0+1-0',11]), which digits correspond to 'draw and move forward' (c<2), angle (120) to your own L-system ruleset. Digits 0-9 correspond to variables/constants (for each constant, add a rule that maps it to itself, i.e. to 'i').
Ha awesome! I was surprised when I saw this, I'd seen it on the internet before and was idly scribbling on the back of my book in a boring class today. Dope stuff :D
u(t) is called 60 times per second.
t: elapsed time in seconds.
c: A 1920x1080 canvas.
x: A 2D context for that canvas.
S: Math.sin
C: Math.cos
T: Math.tan
R: Generates rgba-strings, ex.: R(255, 255, 255, 0.5)