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function u(t) {
} //

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u(t) is called 60 times per second. t: Elapsed time in seconds. S: Shorthand for Math.sin. C: Shorthand for Math.cos. T: Shorthand for Math.tan. R: Function that generates rgba-strings, usage ex.: R(255, 255, 255, 0.5) c: A 1920x1080 canvas. x: A 2D context for that canvas.
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Current theme challenge: #Food
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function u(t) {


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  • I heard the theme was #time ? Simple clock

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function u(t) {


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remix of d/23081 by u/Irratix

function u(t) {


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  • static, but slightly higher res
  • u/KilledByAPixel
    Full res... for(t*=60,j=2e3;j--;x.fillRect(t,j,1,1))x.fillStyle=R(...j&t^j?[~t&255|j,,j+t&201]:[,3*(t-9)*t%j<<2,t-99^j])

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function u(t) {


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  • How long could it possibly take to just draw a triangle? Answer: About 18 minutes.
  • u/Xen
    nice idea
  • u/Xen
    alt: x.fillRect(t,t,1,1e3-t*2)
  • u/Xen
    alt: x.fillRect(t,t,1,1e3-t*2)
  • u/Xen
    back to double posting, dwitters inner quantum mechanics leaking again :-(

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function u(t) {


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  • wanted to see if i could fit it in an uncompressed dweet without changing functionality.

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remix of d/20727 by u/Irratix

function u(t) {


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  • and shorter

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function u(t) {


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  • We can always go shorter

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remix of d/19617 by u/vityavv

function u(t) {


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  • Was just trying to golf a bit more for fun, but ended up with an effect I thought looked really cool :D

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function u(t) {


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  • How many digits of pi can you store in a dweet? Here's 367 (including leading 3
  • u/katkip
    ▓ nice ▓ unicode ▓ characters ▓ there
  • u/Irratix
    Haha, you kinda run out of ASCII when you store a number in base 55394 :P

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function u(t) {


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  • Pascal's Triangle. Could easily be shorter (probably)
  • u/Irratix
    Still had a lot of room left, so I made an easily visible rowAmt variable for you to tweak :D
  • u/tomxor
    I used this same little function recently for the intensities in simulated NMR multiplets. Pretty sure this is the shortest math.

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