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function u(t) {
} //

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u(t) is called 60 times per second. t: Elapsed time in seconds. S: Shorthand for Math.sin. C: Shorthand for Math.cos. T: Shorthand for Math.tan. R: Function that generates rgba-strings, usage ex.: R(255, 255, 255, 0.5) c: A 1920x1080 canvas. x: A 2D context for that canvas.
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Current theme challenge: #Opposites
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function u(t) {


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  • Circuit Diagram
  • u/tomxor
    Nice! most convincing xor sampling #circuit pattern i've seen, lots of ball grid arrays
  • u/ntsutae
    (i-t)^(i+t) is great.
  • u/rodrigo.siqueira
    Change ^ to | and you will see falling Sierpinsky triangles! I mean: (i-t)|(i+t)
  • u/ntsutae
    Yes, I've already tried "|","&". The triangles appeared without the use of recursive call. Dwitter told me bit operation skills. Thank you.

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function u(t) {


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function u(t) {


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function u(t) {


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  • BLM

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function u(t) {


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  • Text editor with auto-save. Type and reload (or come back later). Your edits are stored in this Dweet.
  • u/rodrigo.siqueira
    Shortcuts: control-b (bold), control-i (italic), control-u (underline). You can even paste html in this Dweet.
  • u/katkip
  • u/rafroller
    So cool ! Nice use of localStorage :)
  • u/sigveseb
    Cool, didn't know that you could do bold, italics etc like that in contenteditable

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function u(t) {


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  • u/katkip
    c.style.background=R() is shorter

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remix of d/13495 by u/pavel

function u(t) {


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  • Show more comments…
  • u/13thptr
    awesome, looks like the ball escapes without breaking everything after a while though. will read the explanation more thoroughly.
  • u/pavel
    No chars left for bounds checks! It freaks out with negative positions. If I find a way to shorten I will add bounds.
  • u/ersagun
    I need to read and reread that explanation on a loop until I get this. This is incredible.
  • u/Qwitter
    Just wow.

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function u(t) {


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  • 100% not an original idea - More blocky
  • u/joeytwiddle
    Little remix: for(i=1e3;i--;){S=z=>Math.random()*z*90|0,x.fillStyle='hsla('+S(4)+',99%,63%,.01)',x.fillRect(S(64),S(36),60+S(8),60+S(6))}

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function u(t) {


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  • 100% not an original idea

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function u(t) {


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  • sinewave serving samples of sierpinski
  • u/camel_case
    I could watch this forever *.*
  • u/BriSeven
    can you? i haven’t watched long enough to know for sure but i think the math should run down eventually
  • u/Xen
    love it!

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