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function u(t) {
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u(t) is called 60 times per second. t: Elapsed time in seconds. S: Shorthand for Math.sin. C: Shorthand for Math.cos. T: Shorthand for Math.tan. R: Function that generates rgba-strings, usage ex.: R(255, 255, 255, 0.5) c: A 1920x1080 canvas. x: A 2D context for that canvas.
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Current theme challenge: #Opposites
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remix of d/701 by u/sigveseb

function u(t) {


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remix of d/16988 by u/katkip

function u(t) {


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  • u/magna
  • u/sigveseb
    very nice
  • u/gambit
    hi im new! can you explain me "c.width|=0" what does it do? thanks
  • u/DataMeta
    Welcome! It's a shorter way of clearing canvas pixels/state. Can be chained like so: for(c.width|=n=i=256;i--;). It can't be done here because we must clear the canvas before scaling it
  • u/includeRubiks
    so cool

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remix of d/7151 by u/prplz

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remix of d/16972 by u/yonatan

function u(t) {


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  • u/ivylab
    I don't even ... this is so cool, like a forest
  • u/pavel
    This thing ((i&2)-1)*(2+i%7) takes so many characters. If somebody can figure out a shorter way to generate random-ish positive and negative numbers that aren't too close to zero that would be awesome. 7*C(i) is almost perfect but gets close to zero so you'd have trees on the path.
  • u/pavel
    Oh! 3/C(i) works well here, but has no bound which will be an issue in other contexts.
  • u/KilledByAPixel
  • u/iverjo
    Random Forest!

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function u(t) {


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function u(t) {


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  • u/katkip
  • u/Xen
  • u/iverjo
  • u/joeytwiddle
    I originally felt a little ashamed to post because the distribution of dots is not uniform, hence "dirty", but your kind comments have reminded me that nobody really cares. Indeed, bugs like this can even give an image more character than perfection would. Thanks! 🙏

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remix of d/16192 by u/tomxor

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  • Merry Dwittermass Everyone :)

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function u(t) {


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  • And a happy new year...

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function u(t) {


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function u(t) {


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