dwitter.net | joeytwiddle (2443)

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function u(t) {
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u(t) is called 60 times per second. t: Elapsed time in seconds. S: Shorthand for Math.sin. C: Shorthand for Math.cos. T: Shorthand for Math.tan. R: Function that generates rgba-strings, usage ex.: R(255, 255, 255, 0.5) c: A 1920x1080 canvas. x: A 2D context for that canvas.
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Current theme challenge: #Opposites
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function u(t) {


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  • u/joeytwiddle
    (The CSS in this dweet works in Chrome and Safari, but not Firefox)
  • u/joeytwiddle
    Although I think the consensus has emerged already.
  • u/joeytwiddle
    A bit clearer: s=40+90*((1-C((t/2|0)/2))**2)

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function u(t) {


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  • u/joeytwiddle
    5:16 Photography and art 6:20 Music 9:11 Wilds and demos!

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function u(t) {


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  • u/joeytwiddle
    x.transform(1.01,0,0,1.02,-9,-10) is also fun
  • u/joeytwiddle
    Oh curious. 's' gives me a 'sans' font on Linux but a 'serif' on Mac!

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function u(t) {


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  • Rain cloud slideshow

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function u(t) {


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  • Popped in to debug an ellipse for work. Felt rude not to leave a dweet.
  • u/jick
    Oh, neat periodic clear trick.
  • u/joeytwiddle
    I found that trick in a random dweet I saw recently. No idea which one.

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function u(t) {


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  • Random cloud generator

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function u(t) {


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  • s/stroke/fill/g to get rid of the white circle

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function u(t) {


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  • Minor remix that shows off the patterns in the spiral, as pointed out by sfz on the original dweet.

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function u(t) {


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  • Crossy Box: Traffic Tourist
  • Show more comments…
  • u/joeytwiddle
    I can get 🚗 and 🐸 in ... 141 bytes ;)
  • u/joeytwiddle
    Correction: The scene changes when Boxy get hit by the last car in row 1. Cars in row 0 do not re-assign X (and do not move).
  • u/iverjo
    This is awesome :D A game in 139 bytes, and I actually enjoyed playing it!
  • u/joeytwiddle
    Thanks iverjo! ❤️ Click 5 times to start playing

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function u(t) {


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  • Golfed version with busier traffic. Difficulty level: donbright

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