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function u(t) {
} //

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u(t) is called 60 times per second. t: Elapsed time in seconds. S: Shorthand for Math.sin. C: Shorthand for Math.cos. T: Shorthand for Math.tan. R: Function that generates rgba-strings, usage ex.: R(255, 255, 255, 0.5) c: A 1920x1080 canvas. x: A 2D context for that canvas.
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Current theme challenge: #Opposites
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function u(t) {


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function u(t) {


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  • u/Apex
    A dwitter combiner? Awesome
  • u/joeytwiddle
    Squints... scratches head... this is synchronous XHR!
  • u/joeytwiddle
    Same thing, using fetch: F=async I=>T[I]=(await(await fetch('/id/'+I)).text()).match(/u\(t.*([^]*?) }/)[1];eval(t?T[1494]+';'+T[888].slice(23):F(1494),F(888))
  • u/magna
  • u/Renaud___
    HAX ! but funny combinaison :)
  • u/Xen
    lol nice work

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remix of d/5317 by u/ellisk1

function u(t) {


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  • Rose Petals

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function u(t) {


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  • spinning colorful torus in 3d...

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function u(t) {


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function u(t) {


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  • A torus-like shape made of sin and cos spinning in 3D space. Credit to u/Xen for golfing.
  • u/BirdsTweetCodersDweet
    Better with transparency, but 148 bytes -- t?0:s=0;for(c.width|=a=1e3;a--;x.beginPath(x.globalAlpha=.5))x.ellipse(960+200*C(a),540+200*S(a),90+30*S(a+s),90+30*C(a),0,0,7),x.stroke(),s+=1e-4
  • u/BirdsTweetCodersDweet
    I'm done --- t?0:s=0;for(c.width|=a=1e3;a--;x.stroke(),x.globalAlpha=.5)x.beginPath(),x.ellipse(960+200*C(a),540+200*S(a),90+30*S(a+s),90+30*C(a),0,0,7,x.strokeStyle=R(255*S(a)+255,255*C(a)+255,100+10*C(a))),s+=1e-4 --- 202 bytes, but full with colors and stuff, except for a weird bright area(?)... I dunno, see you all tommorow, I'm off to sleep :P
  • u/akm
    I golfed it to 134 chars with transparency. for(c.width|=a=1e3;a--;)with(x)ellipse(960+200*C(a),540+200*S(a),90+30*S(a+t*6.2),90+30*C(a),0,0,7),stroke(),beginPath(globalAlpha=.5)
  • u/BirdsTweetCodersDweet
    Solved the weird colors --- t?0:s=0;for(c.width|=a=2e3;a--;x.stroke(),x.globalAlpha=.5)x.beginPath(),x.ellipse(960+200*C(a),540+200*S(a),90+30*S(a+s),90+30*C(a),0,0,2*Math.PI,x.strokeStyle=R(255*S(a)+255,255*C(a)+255,100+10*C(a))),s+=1e-4

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function u(t) {


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  • field work
  • u/41407
    Awesome! I managed to shorten it down to 129 if you want to add something to it: v=160;s=20;for(i=60*v;i--;l=(i%v))m=(i/v)|0,k=1+S(C(l/15)/C(m/17)+t*4),x.fillStyle=R(n=k*v+m*2,n+m,n+k*v),x.fillRect(l*s,m*s,s,s)

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function u(t) {


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  • dot repeater

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remix of d/6447 by u/DirtyDan

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function u(t) {


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