dwitter.net | tomxor (5353)

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function u(t) {
} //

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u(t) is called 60 times per second. t: Elapsed time in seconds. S: Shorthand for Math.sin. C: Shorthand for Math.cos. T: Shorthand for Math.tan. R: Function that generates rgba-strings, usage ex.: R(255, 255, 255, 0.5) c: A 1920x1080 canvas. x: A 2D context for that canvas.
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Current theme challenge: #Opposites
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function u(t) {


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  • The Enemy

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function u(t) {


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  • Dwitter Vision
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  • u/jellyedwards
    Wow that's amazing!
  • u/jellyedwards
    Very nice presentation of that little trick
  • u/katkip
    nice trickery. #exploit #trick #hack
  • u/sigveseb

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remix of d/17936 by u/tomxor

function u(t) {


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  • ??

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function u(t) {


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  • ?

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remix of d/17835 by u/pavel

function u(t) {


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  • u/tomxor
    Note the intersection is fuzzy since full circle-AABB takes too much code, instead it's just circle-point + current subdivision width based radius (w*w*6.28), i.e it becomes more accurate as it converges.
  • u/tomxor
    This is why there are a bunch of divisions around it that would not exist with an exact test. Pavel's doesn't do this by cleverly choosing a geometry that only need intersect the top left of each square.
  • u/katkip

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remix of d/17768 by u/tomxor

function u(t) {


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  • u/tomxor
    The brush pressure is derived from velocity and direction (so more caligraphic)
  • u/BriSeven
    I love how it feels simultaneously precise and digital and messy analogue.
  • u/tomxor
    Thanks :) The dynamics can be easily tweaked too, A*.7 and B*.7 are the inertia (could interpret as how articulated the brush is) and (C-X)/9 and (S-Y)/9 are distance based attraction to pointer (could interpret as bristle length maybe?)
  • u/katkip
  • u/magna

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remix of d/17761 by u/ElisionFR

function u(t) {


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remix of d/17716 by u/ElisionFR

function u(t) {


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  • Mouse Position

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remix of d/17692 by u/iznax

function u(t) {


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  • Retro Circle-Of-Life
  • u/tomxor
    For FireFox replace pixelated with crisp-edges

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function u(t) {


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  • u/tomxor
    Other sized w must be a power of 2 and i must be at least w**2+r+1 (r=neighbourhood radius) to allow the sliding window to correctly initialise, otherwise a bad sum will propagate throughout the grid usually causing everything to die.
  • u/KilledByAPixel
    👍 Thanks for the explanation!
  • u/tomxor
    hmm the larger than necessary i seems to be introducing artifacts... change to i=w*w+6 if you want to see the pure rule.
  • u/katkip
    Woow! I remember it from the The Powder Toy game

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